Internship success!

The past five months I was an intern at Broekbakema in Rotterdam. I spent about half of my time there working on a competition for the Frederikkazerne in The Hague. During the last week of my internship we got great news.
Together with Heijmans Utiliteitsbouw, Arcadis and Burgers Ergon with consulting by DGMR, Nieman and Heijmans Services we won a Design, Build & Maintenance contract for the Frederikkazerne in The Hague. I was part of the three-man team at Broekbakema that was responsible for the architectural design, together with Erik van Eck and Pim Pompen. For the final entry I focussed on making the 3D impressions of the building.
If you like to see more information and images, please visit the website of Broekbakema.